Which sport suits your personality?

Take the test: Which sport suits your personality?

What your choices reveal about you?

Personality is the sum of the components that make each individual unique. It affects how we respond to different situations and involves our character, intellect, physique and temperament.

Which sport is best suited to your personality? Are you a team player, competitive and driven to reach the top, or are you more comfortable coaching the Under-5s football team? Whatever your age, ability or interests, there's a perfect sport for you!

Take the test below, and explore your personality traits to determine the sport that's right for you. Then discover the opportunities that exist to get involved in sport in your area.

Take the test here: BBC test

This test is based on data gathered by Dr Lee-Ann Sharp, a sports psychology expert at Ulster University. Additional reference: NHS psychological and aptitude test conducted by sports psychologists at Loughborough University. (NOTE: There may be an issue trying to take the test using Internet Explorer 9. If you are experiencing difficulty, please try a different browser.)